Sunday, February 13, 2011

I am Blogging right now.

      Right, so as I've never blogged before, I decided to look up the definition of the word before I started out writing one.  Blog, short for web log, an online, regularly updated journal or newsletter that is readily accessible to the general public by virtue of being posted on a website (   Right...  So as I've never read another persons blog before, I decided to search the net for a few.  "Whenever i get close to someone i push them away and i get horrible/so annoying that they eventually give up on me...  Right... In fact, as I dove deeper into the interweb, I found that nearly every blog I came across was a 15 year old's frustrating account of their day at middle school.  Now see this well, in no way am I implying that they shouldn't blog, or update their Face Book. Go ahead type your little fingers into high school.  But there are two things that are really confusing me as I sit here typing this.  Firstly, who do these kids think are going to be reading these often less than sensible posts, and then more importantly WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE ACTUALLY READING THEM?  Now i know most of these kids followers are going to be friends and various family members, but that doesn't account for "JERZEYJOE 16 y/o from WHERE ELSE BABY!" and his 611 followers.   Who are these people that wait for Joe and his daily updates of how his mom finally let him go to the tanning bed.  That to me and my everyday life, cannot be real.  As I'm writing this I am fully expecting not one of the millions upon millions of people accessing the internet daily, to ever even see this post.  Yet the update about Nikki and her appointment for a "mani/pedi!"  gets 34 thumbs up?  And these aren't just kids like this.  26 year old HawaiiJess, who I guarantee has never seen more than a picture of Hawaii, is "Goin to hit the clubs 2nite! Got the sexy dress on just for the boys".  And at that moment 350 guys around the world are beating there chests thinking this girl is wearing that dress just for him.  I just don't get it where is the illusion?  You sent her a friend request once and she lets you subscribe to her "private" blog, which now lets you comment frequently on her clubbin pix!  And these are grown men too, 25 26 even 30's often times and these guys are getting totally rad over this chick in her bikini on this Face Book page.  This is  where the Social Networking experience fails.  It is a great tool to keep in touch with family members, meet new people on campus, or just say hello to that old friend from high school.  But when TinyJennyXoXoX gets over 5000 followers on her Livejournal because she has pictures and posts dirty surveys that thousands of guys spring on immediately, all of them convinced in their heads, that they're the only ones that are going to fill it out, the system begins to fallout around you.  It also seems to me that its a very shallow image, the whole internet persona.  Right now any man with access to a computer can make a Face Book page that portrays them as cool new Jimmy Pop the transfer student from Jefferson middle, and he knows how to smooth talk those girls on a comment board.  It just seems flawed.  And who is to blame.  Simple.  You.  Vague?  Yes.  But that is not bitterness in my letters, it's merely a marginal shock for me in a world that continues to disenchant me more and more with each passing day. Why in the world of Twitter do i care when Katy Perry takes her dog out for a walk.  Yet I would be willing to bet a toe on my left foot that she has more than 100,000 followers.  Did that do anything for you? No? Here, I'll spell it out for more drama.  One Hundred Thousand followers.  Microcosm for America much?