Sunday, February 13, 2011

I am Blogging right now.

      Right, so as I've never blogged before, I decided to look up the definition of the word before I started out writing one.  Blog, short for web log, an online, regularly updated journal or newsletter that is readily accessible to the general public by virtue of being posted on a website (   Right...  So as I've never read another persons blog before, I decided to search the net for a few.  "Whenever i get close to someone i push them away and i get horrible/so annoying that they eventually give up on me...  Right... In fact, as I dove deeper into the interweb, I found that nearly every blog I came across was a 15 year old's frustrating account of their day at middle school.  Now see this well, in no way am I implying that they shouldn't blog, or update their Face Book. Go ahead type your little fingers into high school.  But there are two things that are really confusing me as I sit here typing this.  Firstly, who do these kids think are going to be reading these often less than sensible posts, and then more importantly WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE ACTUALLY READING THEM?  Now i know most of these kids followers are going to be friends and various family members, but that doesn't account for "JERZEYJOE 16 y/o from WHERE ELSE BABY!" and his 611 followers.   Who are these people that wait for Joe and his daily updates of how his mom finally let him go to the tanning bed.  That to me and my everyday life, cannot be real.  As I'm writing this I am fully expecting not one of the millions upon millions of people accessing the internet daily, to ever even see this post.  Yet the update about Nikki and her appointment for a "mani/pedi!"  gets 34 thumbs up?  And these aren't just kids like this.  26 year old HawaiiJess, who I guarantee has never seen more than a picture of Hawaii, is "Goin to hit the clubs 2nite! Got the sexy dress on just for the boys".  And at that moment 350 guys around the world are beating there chests thinking this girl is wearing that dress just for him.  I just don't get it where is the illusion?  You sent her a friend request once and she lets you subscribe to her "private" blog, which now lets you comment frequently on her clubbin pix!  And these are grown men too, 25 26 even 30's often times and these guys are getting totally rad over this chick in her bikini on this Face Book page.  This is  where the Social Networking experience fails.  It is a great tool to keep in touch with family members, meet new people on campus, or just say hello to that old friend from high school.  But when TinyJennyXoXoX gets over 5000 followers on her Livejournal because she has pictures and posts dirty surveys that thousands of guys spring on immediately, all of them convinced in their heads, that they're the only ones that are going to fill it out, the system begins to fallout around you.  It also seems to me that its a very shallow image, the whole internet persona.  Right now any man with access to a computer can make a Face Book page that portrays them as cool new Jimmy Pop the transfer student from Jefferson middle, and he knows how to smooth talk those girls on a comment board.  It just seems flawed.  And who is to blame.  Simple.  You.  Vague?  Yes.  But that is not bitterness in my letters, it's merely a marginal shock for me in a world that continues to disenchant me more and more with each passing day. Why in the world of Twitter do i care when Katy Perry takes her dog out for a walk.  Yet I would be willing to bet a toe on my left foot that she has more than 100,000 followers.  Did that do anything for you? No? Here, I'll spell it out for more drama.  One Hundred Thousand followers.  Microcosm for America much?
     But Like I said, I understand the thrill a blogger may get knowing his words can now be instantly read worldwide, and will forever be indefinite, or at least until the Singularity...  (Computers taking over the world?) (Technology self advancing and self reliant?)  (No?) (For god sakes read a book man.)  The question I have is, where is the illusion, and who is feeding it?!   I feel like I could slap all 611 followers of JERZEYJOE.  Yet no contempt should be had for the Joe behind the pseudonym. I cannot blame him for typing his angsty thoughts into cyberspace, and luring in what I can only imagine to be varying degrees of a Slingblade type person in for hungry reading.  Sorry Billy that wasn't meant to be a shot at you, loved you in Bandits.  Now see, I think I see the trick to the blog thing.  People now, and I'm focusing only on the United States right now, tend to not think entirely for themselves. Yes you could say that's always been the way it is, but why is it the way it is?  Very simply, media outlets, first papers then radio then television.  And each jump from one revolution to the next has held that much more sway over the masses (a horrible adjective for people if you ask me).  The television made it so the media now had access to you and your living room everyday, in a more personable and intimate level the radio never could achieve.  Now look at us, Bronzing and fist pumping because we see it on television. Now this would not be a problem, whatsoever, had the internet never been conceived.  Oh people would still fist pump and bronze but unlike before you didn't have to see 28 picture set of Bonnie after she got the number two spray on tan at the salon.   People just can't think for themselves at all anymore.  Now Bonnie's got 250of her best "face book" friends all over the town getting their bronze on.   Be honest with yourself, ye lone reader of mine, how many times have you lied about liking that one band or having seen that one movie.  How many times did you wear that shirt even though youdidn't like it but all the kids have it!    You don't know why you lie about it or why you put that shirt on in the morning, there isn't any reason to do it really, you just want to look like the people on the t.v.  You just want to be accepted, like what everyone else is liking, and get as many friends on Facebook as possible. This isn't any one individuals fault, if you can even call us that anymore that is.  It's a trend that i fear will only get worse, until it crescendo's to the President Elect swearing his Oath of Office in a Cape surrounded by smoke and fireworks on the edge of a cliff, then base jumps into Air Force One and flies off to tumultuous applause.  Yea, I could see it.  But see, this goes for people of all ages, not at all aimed just at the youth. Even women 50 years old never used a computer in her life and fires it up to make a Facebook, for no other reason than some lady at her office showed her some pictures of her new cat she just got.  And that is fantastic I say, ride the technology wave out, it's everyone's right as human beings to do as they want (all toooften we can't unfortunately).  We're all just lemmings following one another aimlessly on this rock in space pretending like we know what were doing.  So we fake it, we were built on it, and its ingraining deeper than ever with the internet boom.  So I suspect all our old friend  "JERZEYJOE 16 y/o from WHERE ELSE BABY!?" had to do to amass such a confounding following, was to add that flashy Jersey with a Z and throw in some vintage Shore attitude, and alas like that guy in that one story Jesus, he has followers.            
        Again, I will probably eclipse 2000 words with this so called "blog post" and I still fully expect not a single breathing organism to read this.  But please Phantom Reader, do not leave me with false ideas of my grandeur and spreading word of my anti Social Networking propaganda, because for all I know that could be considered Cyber Terrorism now a days. See it well, anti Networking I am not.  In my opinion the entire Social Networking experience is the greatest thing the internet has to offer for the general population since its creation aside from some setbacks that seem all but incurable.  Not that I expect you to care about my opinions in anyway.  Except I shouldn't say that.  What I mean to say is that you have absolutely no reason for you to care about my opinions, how could you, to you I'm no more than an eternal specter behind a combination of a lot of letters.  I'm not even a rats fart in a high wind and that's always been OK with me because when it comes down to it, you only have your friends (if you have any) and family.  Honestly if people were real with themselves they would admit that, OK it really isn't all that much a bother that 4 people gave me a thumbs down for my post on how I finished my math homework and it's time for a sandwich.   I've never fooled myself with trying to hit 1000 friends on Facebook.  I've never attempted to tweet and get a following.  Honestly 99 times out of 100 what you have to say doesn't affect anyone or anything.  Honestly you can't believe that you could post something that 5000 people will care about unless you mention something about Victoria's Secret or your status turns to showering.
         I do think I enjoy this blog thing. although it sort of feels like I'm going to see a Hall and Oates concert somewhere around 1995, a little too late for it to be cool anymore.  And no I am not by any means old enough to make that reference, but I have.  I will probably end up writing a few more depending on if I have anything worth saying next time, because clearly here I've got nothing.  And if you actually have read this blog, then I apologize for wasting probably what's going on 10 or more minutes now of yourlife.  Leave a comment anyways, even if it is to reprimand my poor sentence structure and shoddy narrative flow.  Narrative is not the right word. Maybe to get some readers my blog name should be "LADYgagaYAYA!"  Any thoughts?

   Why so blog?

1 comment:

  1. saw this on myspace an i had to c&p the link becuz myspace will not let blogspot be accessed. BTW keep writing i like ur blog. visit mine if u want to evn though i cant write very well visit the forums here for meeting people its fun to read.oh in my blogspot i have the link to the thread about myspace blocking policy.
